Development, The Very Organized Thief

Rebuilding the Owner

I’ve been slowly making progress with The Very Organized Thief rebuild. And recently I’ve updated the Owner, tweaking the model and animations, and giving him a new brain while still keeping the same behavior. Our existing AI system is a little overkill, so I did some digging in the original AI code and reviewed it to see what solution I could come up with.

Development, News

Making Progress

This year we made significant progress. Our goals this year were to increase the speed at which we could design and test levels, without excess. Focusing more on the process of creating and simplifying it for rapid prototyping.


Goodbye 2017!

Goodbye 2017

Hope everyone’s enjoying the holidays. For us 2017 has been a very busy year and also a rather quiet one, with our last update being quite a while ago. The end of 2017 will mark the 5th development iteration of The Very Organized Thief. I’m sure some of you are probably surprised how we got to five iterations.

Developer Diary

We can rebuild it.

It has been quite liberating to take a sledge hammer to everything we’ve worked on and rebuild it. Going over all the questionable decision making and surprisingly creative solutions that have come about has been in it’s own way fun. It’s also been horrible looking at how long ago some of this code was written, and remembering all the things that happened around the time of it’s creation.


Looking back at 2016!

Last year was yet another challenging year, pushing ourselves hard to lock down developments and start making more progress with the games we are working on. It was also the first year where we lived on our own in a quiet neighbourhood, working out how we can balance our life around what we do in order to do it.

Ko-fi Coffee