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Posts Tagged in: ‘AI’
Development, The Very Organized Thief

Rebuilding the Owner

I’ve been slowly making progress with The Very Organized Thief rebuild. And recently I’ve updated the Owner, tweaking the model and animations, and giving him a new brain while still keeping the same behavior. Our existing AI system is a little overkill, so I did some digging in the original AI code and reviewed it to see what solution I could come up with.

Developer Diary

March 2016 Summary

Last month has been a mixed bag of many things to be done. The survey we ran went very well and the results were surprising. We now have a much better idea of what we can do with the audience we currently have. We still have our work cut out for us if our new […]

Developer Diary

February 2016 Summary

Amongst the panic and madness of last month, and the continued madness considering it’s already 1/3 of the way into March already, I managed to get a few things done. Our new game is moving along nicely and now has a basic level editor! This past week, I’ve been setting up a kind of floor […]

Developer Diary

January 2016 Summary

The last month has been a complete blur. With our current project moving along, a new look for the website about to be launched and a whole heap of other things written down on large quantities of post-it notes. I haven’t had much time to actually write one of these things for a while, amongst […]