Development, The Very Organized Thief

Rebuilding the Owner

I’ve been slowly making progress with The Very Organized Thief rebuild. And recently I’ve updated the Owner, tweaking the model and animations, and giving him a new brain while still keeping the same behavior.

Our existing AI system is a little overkill, so I did some digging in the original AI code and reviewed it to see what solution I could come up with.

After a bit of thinking, I decided to extend our AI tools to include a customizable State Machine, similar to Mecanim. This was a little outside the scope of our development goals, which was to not add anything new, but doing this was less work to fit it in with our existing libraries.


The Owner with a new brain.

The new owner still needs some work, but the overall feeling is the same as the original. He also comes with a few little enhancements by default that make him a little smarter too, thanks to all the features that come with our AI system.

The tedious part was creating the Editor GUI for user-friendliness. It’s not the greatest, but it’s functional and gets the job done.

Made for The Very Organized Thief rebuild.

I’ve come up with many solutions in the past that just didn’t feel right, didn’t give us enough control or just flat out didn’t work. But from all those failed attempts, each iteration would leave a few parts behind that would move into the next iteration.

And after several iterations, and then adding the latest tools, the ease of extending the system came as a surprise. Which is a good feeling, knowing that all the years of hard work are starting to pay off!

More rebuild news coming soon.

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Ko-fi Coffee

20 Responses

    IceFiction says

    Love reading these posts. Been following you guys since I was a kid, and have always loved your style of games and have been inspired by your posts. Keep up the great work :)

      Redefinition Games says

      Thanks IceFiction. : )

    Geox says

    osea que sacaran otro juego?

      Redefinition Games says

      We are working on an update for the original version. You can follow our progress on GameJolt.

      Google Translate
      Estamos trabajando en una actualización para la versión original. Puedes seguir nuestro progreso en GameJolt.

    Geox says

    SACARAN OTRO JUEGO DE TVO THIEF? gracias por este juegaso

      Redefinition Games says

      Thank you! And yes, we are working hard on its launch.

      Google Translate
      ¡Gracias! Y sí, estamos trabajando duro en su lanzamiento.

    Geox says

    osea que es una reconstruccion pero crei que era el juego completo osea nueva casa nuevo propietario etc xd y eso de l kangaroo del juego original que significa?

      Redefinition Games says

      You can think of the rebuild as the first step before more levels and owners. It allows us to test everything we have worked on before taking the next step.

      The Kangeroo will return, but not when it is released. We will probably add it later.

      Google Translate
      Puedes pensar en la reconstrucción como el primer paso antes que más niveles y propietarios. Nos permite probar todo lo que hemos trabajado antes de dar el siguiente paso.

      El Kangeroo volverá, pero no cuando se lance. Probablemente lo agregaremos más tarde.

    Geox says

    mas o menos en que mes creen que saldran?

      Redefinition Games says

      We still have a lot of work to do, such as audio and artificial intelligence. Our best guess is in a few months, but we are working hard to get it out earlier.

      Google Translate
      Todavía tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer, como el audio y la inteligencia artificial. Nuestra mejor estimación es en unos pocos meses, pero estamos trabajando duro para salir antes.

    Geox says

    Ok pero me refiero que papel tiene el canguro porque no tiene nada que ver un canguro con el propietario

      Redefinition Games says

      The kangaroo was part of the Australia Day special event. And we thought it would be fun to leave it active. LoL

      Google Translate
      El canguro fue parte del evento especial del Día de Australia. Y pensamos que sería divertido dejarlo activo. Jaja

    Geox says

    Y perdón por preguntar tanto perdón los estoy molestando

      Redefinition Games says

      It’s okay. Thank you for all your questions. We appreciate them!

      Google Translate
      Está bien. Gracias por todas sus preguntas. ¡Te apreciamos!

    Geox says

    Y los dias especiales seguiran estando por ej el dia de australia pascua etc

      Redefinition Games says

      Yes, but not immediately.

      Google Translate
      Sí, pero no de inmediato.

    Geox says

    Y tambien la casa sera la misma? Y otra cosa las cosas cambiaran de lugar? Esque yo ya se donde estan todas absolutamente TODAS las cosas y me parece aburrido ya sea con otra. Version o no

    Geox says

    diganmen una pista de eso nuevo xd tengo curiosidad

      Redefinition Games says

      We can’t really say, but we are leaving little clues in the Dev Log on GameJolt. Lol

      Google Translate
      Realmente no podemos decirlo, pero estamos dejando pequeñas pistas en el Dev Log en GameJolt. Jaja

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