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‘Category: News
News, The Very Organized Thief

Latest News

The last couple of months have been the busiest months we’ve had at Redefinition Games. With a number of things happening that will help us keep our heads above the water, and allow Redefinition Games to grow as a company. Most of that, has been paperwork and legal related issues (which are not fun :|). […]

Developer Diary, News

New Computers!

It has been a long time coming! But after about a year of scraping together funds and reaching into our own pockets. We now have much needed new computers! Why new computers? Our previous computers, one was a store bought “general” performance computer (WHY?!) and the other an 8 year old high performance (at the […]

News, The Very Organized Thief

Pre-Order The Very Organized Thief!

The Very Organized Thief is now available for pre-order.Just click the image above! The Very Organized Thief is still in development and needs your help. Support development by Pre-Ordering! Everyone who pre-orders will get access to the early alpha version of The Very Organized Thief when it is released for download, along with future updates.


December Update – Thank YOU!!!

For the last month or so we’ve been recharging our batteries and taking time to re-evaluate what we’ve been trying do at Redefinition Games. This year has been full of wonderful overwhelming surprises and unexpected events which have made creating games, and creating in general, a very challenging and difficult thing to do. It has […]

News, The Very Organized Thief


It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally happening! We’re happy to finally announce the Kickstarter for The Very Organized Thief!! So show your support by pledging to turn The Very Organized into a even better game, with more levels and even more things to ste… “borrow”! Just click the link below and share […]

Developer Diary, News, The Very Organized Thief

Developer Diary #2

It’s been a busy two weeks as we plan, design, code and do arty things to get everything ready for our next big step and beyond! We’ve been reworking the original house making the house up to the same quality as the sneak peak we showed a few months ago. Elise has been modelling some […]


Back in the Groove

It’s been a month! Again! The last month and a bit has been the most quiet month for Redefinition Games. With a large lack of activity and celebrations as we finalized some major assignments and Alex prepared for, and completed, an exam. Meaning development on our games has been very minimal and falling asleep at […]

Game, News

Stay in the Loop!

As we get closer and continue to prepare ourselves for the kickstarter for The Very Organized Thief, we are also near the completion of our next game! But it hasn’t been easy. Things have taken a bit longer then expected to finish as unexpected life happenings have been occurring around us. Without explaining too much […]


Preparing to Kickstart

Just a quick exciting update! As usual, we’ve been flat-out doing a whole bunch of things. For last few weeks we’ve dug deep into working things out and preparing to kickstart The Very Organized Thief! Which we hope to be kicking off in the first, or second week, of June! We’re hoping to raise $39,000 […]