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Posts Tagged in: ‘Website Updates’

Welcome To The New Website!

If you’re reading this, welcome to the new website! Alex has been working hard to bring the new website to life, as well as a few other things! For the last year we’ve been experimenting with our art, programming and video editing. A lot of which hasn’t been as straight forward as we planned them to be. […]


Site Updates and Unity 5

Hi everybody! And welcome to my first official developer post! This week (amongst other things) I spent a little time fixing up the website. Along with a couple fixes for mobile and neatening a few things up, the website now supports individual authors! But what does that all mean!? It means we can talk more […]

General, News


Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! May your day be filled with good cheer, many presents, and frosty beers for those of you who a legally allowed to drink. We have recently updated our website to fit a format that we feel is a little more useful to everyone in general. There’s still a little bit of […]