Elise Le Blanc

2D 'n' 3D Artist, Illustrator & Game Designer


Elise is a talented and dedicated artist who has been refining her own art style to create humorous and cute works of art. Her goals are to keep doing what she loves, to create memorable games and stories.

Game Credits

  • The Maze - Keeper Of Doom

    Find the key and escape the hedge maze. But beware! Things are a little relaxed in this maze. A little TOO relaxed.

  • The Very Organized Thief

    You are a thief. A very organized thief. THE Very Organized Thief! A short game that is available to play in browser and on PC, Mac and Linux. It is designed to be neither easy or hard and slightly different everytime you play.

  • Minotaur Maze

    Minotaur Maze is a game using procedural generation to create unique mazes everytime you play. How big are the mazes? You get to decide!

Latest Posts

  • Art ‘n’ a Bit of Gameplay

    Hi everyone! For the last month or so, I’ve been working on the art for our new and upcoming game (title coming soon). This was mostly the concept art which involved creating monsters for the AI and designing the player character and their weapons. The crystal monsters were where I was able to be the most […]

  • Environment Art for New Game

    Hello everyone! Unfortunately I was unable to post for a while due to my day job, which meant I couldn’t work on the game much at all. But I’ve managed to re-arrange things a bit so that I can get back into working with Alex on the project. Hurray! So now that I’ve made some time, […]

  • The Survey has Ended

    Survey Complete! Thank you!

    The survey has come to an end! We’d like to thank everyone who has taken the survey. The information you have given us is going to help us understand more about the options we have and the direction we’re likely to move in. Alex is going to be doing a bit of data crunching on […]

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