General, News


The Team

Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! May your day be filled with good cheer, many presents, and frosty beers for those of you who a legally allowed to drink.

We have recently updated our website to fit a format that we feel is a little more useful to everyone in general. There’s still a little bit of work to be done. But you can now find additional information about the games we’ve created in the ‘Games’ page. There is new information such as articles, reviews, instructions, where you can play and download them, and permissions.

We’ve had a number of people ask if it is Ok to monetize their video/s of The Very Organized Thief on YouTube. With the enforcement of new infringement and copyright schemes being implemented, we have been quietly discussing our stance on it and we’ve taken steps to make it easier for people to find out through the changes to our website.

All you have to do is visit the page for the game you want to know about and there will be a Permissions section which will state what you are allowed to do. If what you intend to do is not listed, or you are not entirely sure based on the permissions being stated. Feel free to get in contact with us and we’ll be happy let you know what’s possible.

Our feeling is that not every single person who views a YouTuber’s video is going to play that game, rather, they are there to enjoy the content being created by that user. It is also reaching people that, as developers creating games for a particular audience, can’t really be reached without the kind of exposure that these people are providing. And that is a great thing for both parties.

However, developers should be entitled to making their own decisions about their content. Especially in cases where user’s are lying, defaming and/or violating the rights of the developer/s. In those situations they are well within their own rights to take certain actions. As long as those actions are also done so within good reason. But at the end of the day, it IS up to the developer and they are entitled in doing what they believe is the best course of action for their IP, and business.

For Redefinition Games however, as long as there is a mutual respect and no violation of our rights, a user’s, or another persons rights. We’re cool with it. As content creators, we should be happy that everyone is chipping into each others process of creating content, even if the result of everyone’s effort is indirect.

With that all being said. We hope you are all having a Merry Christmas! And your New Year is a great one! Until next update, have fun, relax, play some games, and enjoy pleasant company!


-Alex ‘n’ Elise

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