Development, News, The Very Organized Thief

Before The Release

The Team

The upcoming web release of The Very Organized Thief remake is a significant milestone for us. And it comes with a great deal of weight on our shoulders.

So before we do the release, we want to clear the air of any lingering doubts or concerns. For our sake, but also for those who have been following us for all these years.

The Very Organized Thief has been in development for 5 years, going on it’s 6th. And that is a long time for a studio to be developing almost nothing publicly.

For the first 3 years of its development, we focused on developing other games. We knew this was important to do because The Very Organized Thief lacked so much in its design.

The Very Organized Thief was initially designed as a quick web game. Expanding it past the original has been a challenge, due to the limitations we gave ourselves.

We didn’t want to make the obvious.

So we had to experiment. And with every experiment, we ended up finding a small piece in a much larger puzzle.

We always hoped that anything we made would lead to us producing a new game for people to play. But as time went on, we knew that it would only lead to the same problems. Another game that had many more pieces missing, and new problems that needed solving.

So we shelved them and kept working on The Very Organized Thief.

And as time went on, there was enough to work with to make it into something that we felt was right.

But even after all that, we don’t know if The Very Organized Thief is going to meet anyone’s expectations.

It has been 5 long years of failure, experimentation, observation, and reflection. Even after doing as much as we can to understand the games industry, our games, and ourselves. We don’t know if it’s worth it.

But what we do know is The Very Organized Thief has been played by hundreds of thousands of people, spanning many languages and cultures. We know we’ve inspired the young and old to become game developers. We know we’ve encouraged thousands of YouTubers to create content to share it with millions. For some, we know we were their first Let’s Play. We even realize that the people who played this game when they were 16, are now 21. And we also know of the people in our lives who are looking to us, and hope.

And because of all that, we haven’t given up. Doing all that we can to shape ourselves into better people, and game developers, in the hopes of doing more for the people we are making games for.

With that, the remake of The Very Organized Thief web version is coming out soon. And that will be where we start.

It has been a long time to wait, and it has also been a long time for us to start again. But we hope you’re looking forward to the release of The Very Organized Thief to web.

We’ll be taking the experiences of the last 5 years and working with the limits we are going to face.

And no matter when you play, or how much time you put into it, we aim to make something that people will always enjoy.


From the Redefinition Games Team
Alex & Elise

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6 Responses

    Matthew says

    I really appreciate their work and I understand that they had some problems during the development, but the good thing is that they could get the entertainment of the people with this great game, that is really famous (in fact, the most famous Youtubers of South America made one or two videos about this) which has been with me for about 4 years, and the truth is I’m quite excited about the sequel to this work of art.
    I am proud of you and I hope you receive all the support you deserve to achieve your goals.
    : D

    PD: sorry for my bad english i’m using a translator, because i’m Colombian

      Redefinition Games says

      Thanks Matthew. We truly appreciate your message. It means a lot to us. Thank you. : )

    Nathaniel says

    I agree. I played this game with friends when it was brand new and have played it since. I’ve always admired their commitment to their art and what they truly design, and how they persevere no matter what the challenge is to make their passion their lives’ work. I appreciate the quality development and the personalities that we all get to know through the developer updates. I wish them the best and can’t wait to play the new release!

      Redefinition Games says

      Thanks Nathaniel.

      It hasn’t always been easy, but we at least know now we’ve been making the right choices. Thank you, we really appreciate it.

      P.S. The release is available now. Lol

    Matthew says

    I just played the new release, it was awesome, because you also added new mechanics and new controls, expanded the “borrow” list, even the owner is incredible, and i think one of the best features, is to throw things to the owner, now the game is more interesting, it’s very laggy, because my computer, but it’s still one of the best games i ever played, i really appreciate this game and your work, 10/10.

    And one question… There will be a downloadable version?

      Redefinition Games says

      We’re prioritizing the Web version, fixing as much as we can first before we do a downloadable version. We’ll be posting more information about it soon.

      And wow! Thanks! There’s still a lot for us to add, but we’re glad you enjoyed it. We’re only getting started. ; )

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