Hi everyone!
For the last month or so, I’ve been working on the art for our new and upcoming game (title coming soon). This was mostly the concept art which involved creating monsters for the AI and designing the player character and their weapons.

These are three types of enemies that you will see, and be able to shoot at!
The crystal monsters were where I was able to be the most creative and experiment with the design, trying a lot of different shapes to come up with the monster types. I looked up a few random monster and golem designs to start coming up with ideas, and I also looked at a variety of different kinds of crystals and gems to understand how they form. The reference I looked at for crystals was very interesting, learning how they are actually grown, both over a long period of time in nature and how it is done at home. I’ve never grown crystals myself but it seems like an interesting hobby!
I then mushed all the ideas together to see what kind of interesting things I could come up with. Below shows how I went about doing that (ignore the numbers :P).

This is an example of how I came up with the designs for the enemies.
I worked with Alex designing the player character, who we call Clerics. Although the game is first person, you can still look down and see your simple, yet sleek, self. If you’ve ever seen the movie Equilibrium, some of the inspiration for the design came from that movie. Originally their clothes were black, however we decided that they looked a little too much like a Japanese school uniform for boys, so we changed the clothes to white which helped a lot. This also helped to differentiate the player from the crystal golems.

Original concept art for the Cleric character.
After most of the concept art was done, Alex modelled and animated them in Maya, and brought them into the game which was a lot of work. Below is an animated GIF showing some of them in action.

Some of the enemies roaming around being shot at in the style of a bad doom review (WIP)
In other news, things in our lives are also changing in a way that may allow me to work on our games more regularly. I’m still not full time on it yet, but it will be definitely more than before! Hurrah! If all goes well, it means I’ll be able to share more art with everyone *fingers crossed*.
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