It has recently come to our attention that a fake version of The Very Organized Thief is being sold on the Apple App Store.
If you have purchased this version, please report it and, where possible, request a refund. We also ask that you leave a review comment to help inform other users that it is a fake if you have already purchased it.
Visit to find out how you can request a refund. For users outside of Australia, please choose your correct country of origin to ensure the page displays the right information for you.
If you have not purchased it, please DO NOT buy it.
We’re not thrilled about posting this, but we want to make sure fans are aware that we have not released an iOS version, and that we are upset by the anger and confusion that the developer of the fake App has caused for our fans.
It is disappointing to have to deal with developers who do this, as they take time and energy away from where we need to be focusing. For a project that has suffered from many setbacks, issues like this make it increasingly challenging to make clear decisions.
We are still working on The Very Organized Thief, and we wish we could share the progress we’ve made. But because of similar issues, it has been difficult to do so. If you encounter The Very Organized Thief being sold on websites or services that are not listed on The Very Organized Thief game’s page, please let us know.
If you’d like to stay updated with official news, or you’d like to be updated when a real version is released, please subscribe to our mailing list by putting your email in below.
We apologize for not realizing and taking action sooner.
And we hope to bring you better news soon.
Wow, I am so sorry to hear this. I still play The Very Organized Thief, Instant Classic. Such a great game.
Thanks for continuing to play. Knowing that really keeps us both going. : )
This game is still alive? I remember buying it around like 2013! I honestly thought this game was dead as I’m pretty sure after I bought it then I got a refund. But I’m glad it’s still in development!
Yup, we’re still developing it! It’s been incredibly slow, but it’s coming together a piece at a time.
hello dear developers, I really love your game, I only have one question, will the very organaized thief come out on mobile devices. Good luck.
Thanks! We’re glad you really enjoy The Very Organized Thief.
Making a mobile version has been part of what we’ve been working on, though it’s likely to be different from the desktop version.
then the mobile version will be, if so what differences will be? Good luck.
Hello again, can you give me a mobile beta version of the very organaized thief game for android, my computer is just weak, all hope is the mobile version. Good luck.
I have always loved this game and I love how they are doing it and I did not know that there was a copy for android, I hope they have removed it (sorry for the spelling)